Memorial Teachers and Staff
Get to know the teachers and staff at Memorial!

Katie Dunton
Birthday: 11/29
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Soda or Drink: mandarine seltzer
Favorite Starbucks Drink: Dunkin Hot Regular
Favorite Candy: Sour Patch Kids
Favorite Snacks: Popcorn
Favorite Restaurants: Prezo
Favorite Places to Shop: Amazon, Homegoods

Jessica Fowler
Birthday: 12/14
Favorite Color: purple
Favorite Soda or Drink: Pepsi Zero
Favorite Starbucks Drink: Iced Latte with skim milk (love seasonal flavors!)
Favorite Candy: Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
Favorite Snacks: SunChips (french onion and cheddar)
Favorite Restaurants: Galliford’s, Prezo, Alicante, New England Steakhouse
Favorite Places to Shop: Homegoods, Target, Amazon

Danielle DelDotto
Physical Education
Birthday: 6/21
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Soda or Drink: ice water
Favorite Starbucks Drink: Black Cold Brew
Favorite Candy: n/a
Favorite Snacks: chips, Cheez-its, peanut butter pretzels
Favorite Restaurants: any
Favorite Places to Shop: TJ Maxx, Marshalls